Friday, September 24, 2010

Importance of colors in life......

Physics is one of the worst subjects you would come across in your entire life. I always use to clear on line but somehow I managed to remember a few lessons. Once he taught me that Sir Isaac Newton ( prime culprit for the failure of majority of students) discovered that white light when passed through a prism can be scattered into its constituent colors (VIBGYOR). I fell in love with this theory as I came to know about their importance in one's life.

According to me, the most wonderful gift that parents give their child is a color box. I remember how we gradually move on from crayons to pencil colors and then poster colors and so on. 

 Try to notice the emotions inflicted on the face of a child when he is given the authority to use various colors on a white paper. He will color every single spot which simply proves that he wants his world to be very colorful. 

When the child gets a box of poster colors for the first time, he starts experimenting and develops complementary colors. By mixing two shades, you can make a new color.

Parents buy colors for their children because it is a necessity to pass arts exam in schools. But have you ever thought about the impact of these colors in our life.

Each color is associated with certain things around us. Colors set our moods. It is one of the latest trend in town to use colors efficiently to depict one's various moods.

To know more about color theory and the impact of different colors, keep reading :)